麹をもっと洋食へ by CAMOSSONS 麹をもっと洋食へ

Fermentation and Koji -English- Fermentation and Koji -English-

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What is Koji

What is Koji

What is Koji? 


It is basically is a starter to ferment traditional Japanese condiments such as Soy sauce, Miso, Mirin, Sake, Rice vinegar etc.  It is so important that if we don’t have Koji, then there is no traditional Japanese cuisine you can think of. 


This photo shows a rice koji. 


To start with, it originally is a mold (Koji-kin) which lives in the nature, precisely, around rice plants.  People used to collect (some still do!)  the natural mold in order to make a starter ‘koji’.  But as the quality is not stable, we can purchase the koji spores (tane-koji) in stores instead.


When made with rice, it is called a rice Koji, and when made with barley, it is called a barley koji, and so on.  You can make koji with any starchy ingredients. 


Once you have a koji in hands, you are ready to ferment many things! 


What is our mission? 

Camossons, Inc is not a brewer, it is a company which proposes you the followings:


✓ propose original condiment using Japanese traditional koji-based condiments, and 

       fermented food so it boosts your immune system.  


 All our products are:

・Free of additives 

・Free of added sugar (no refined sugar)

・No animal products

・No oil

・Full of natural umami


✓ promote healthy (and importantly fast & easy!)way of cooking  by using Japanese traditional koji-based condiments in westernized or non-Japanese traditional cuisine, so that we can leverage more from its benefits for our physical and mental health. 


✓ exporting selected fine fermented products from Japan to abroad. 


✓ help you develop your original natural condiment using Koji’s umami. 


✓ workshop, seminar, and lessons on koji, koji-based condiments irregularly or upon request. 




But what makes the condiments of Atelier de Koji so special? 



Because the recipes are made by the owner of Atelier de Koji, who has lived for 22 years abroad. 

(7 years in the U.S. and 15 years in France) these condiments are specially adapted for western food, yet using Japanese traditional fermented condiments as a base.  


Manami AUREGAN, the owner, always struggles to find a compromise between herself who wants to eat Japanese food, and her French husband who wants to eat westernized food.   Her daily mission is to cook original westernized food using Japanese traditional condiments to satisfy both.  Being a full time working mother, her challenge has always been to prepare dinner very quickly for her kids as well. 


Once she came back to Japan, she realized we don’t have so much choice of condiments which are healthy, natural, delicious, and give nutrients needed for health which allow us to cook quickly.  Usually, easy-to use condiments have much additives.   If we talk about this type of condiments adapted for western food, there is almost none!  At the same time, she found out the benefits of Koji, and it attracted her to study deeply to share the knowledge with natural-food lover outside of Japan.  


This is why she decided to launch her original condiment brand ‘Atelier de Koji’, hoping that koji-based condiments will be in the kitchen of all over the world! 


Yes, koji is not only for Japanese food.  


Discover our Amazake ketchups :

Click below for some explanations and recipes! 


Amazake ketchup recipes 1 english

Amazake ketchup recipes 2 english




Discover our Fermented Koji Soybean Flake: 


Click below for some explanations and recipes! 


Flake recipes 1 english

Flake recipes 2 english



大豆 無添加 調味料




Follow us on: 


FACEBOOK : Atelier de Koji for our products and events mostly in Japanese 


INSTAGRAM: jp.atelierdekoji for products and events of Atelier de Koji in Japanese 


INSTAGRAM: fr.atelierdekoji for ‘fermentation au japon’ in French 


INSTAGRAM: en.atelierdekoji for learning A to Z about Koji, ‘Koji Trivia’ 


